How to edit the robots.txt file for Shopify stores

The robots.txt file is an important part of any website and serves as an essential tool for webmasters to control how search engines crawl the webpages of the given site. Shopify stores are no exception, and recent updates have made it even easier for store owners to edit their robots.txt settings.

Now, SEO King integrates with Shopify’s Robots.txt system, allowing users to manage their rules more efficiently. It’s extremely easy to use – all you need to do is link your Shopify account to SEO King and it will automatically read all your current robots.txt settings. You can then easily add new rules at the click of a button, making store management that much easier.

What’s more, SEO King also works with shops that already have custom robots.txt.liquid files setup. This means that you don’t need to worry about having to manually edit or create rules – everything is done automatically through the SEO King interface. All you need to do is link your account and everything else is taken care of.

So whether you’re new to managing an eCommerce store or already an experienced Shopify user, SEO King’s robots.txt integration is the perfect way to keep your store’s online visibility in check. With just a few clicks you can have complete control over which pages of your store search engines can crawl. So what are you waiting for? Link up your Shopify store today and start using the best robots.txt editing tools on the Shopify App Store!

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